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Becoming a production nation


Becoming a production nation

Nigeria has descended into a nation that imports the most basic of agricultural and manufactured goods and services. This nation that imports goods that is within its ability to produce I am hereby describing as a consumption country. This is a country with a large population of poor people that has taken an affectation to luxury manufactured goods for which it has neither the financial capacity to pay for, nor the industrial capability to produce. Prior to 1986, Nigeria earned more than half of its revenue from agricultural commodity exports – mainly cocoa, groundnuts, palm oil, and palm kernels. In 1955, 98 percent of Nigerian exports were primary commodities, 92 percent in 1975, and 98 percent in 1985. During that period Nigeria imported secondary products such as chemicals, machinery, and transportation equipment to facilitate the production of the export commodities. However, since 1986, at the introduction and failure of Structural Adjustment Programme, Nigeria transformed to a consumption nation. Today, Nigeria imports virtually all goods under the earth including agricultural products, plant and machineries, clothing, fertilizer, aluminium, automobiles, pharmaceutical products, sanitary products, building and construction materials, iron and steel. By 2009, the country spent $42.1billion on the importation of machinery, heavy equipment, consumer goods and food products from UK, France, Germany, China, USA, and South Korea. These countries from which we import I describe as production nations.

How did these countries become producers and Nigeria a consumer? The production country empowers a company to invest say X000 dollars to establish a factory to manufacture a certain product (say steel) within its own national borders. To make one ton of steel, the company needs iron ore, limestone, coal and a few other minerals mixed together at very high temperature similar to making a good soup whereby you need pepper, onions, tomato, salt and so on. The difference here is that the latter is “cooked” at a much lower temperature compared with the steel “cooking pot” which we call a blast furnace. This furnace works at about 1000 degrees centigrade. This factory therefore needs electricity constantly. To bring all these raw materials together for processing, several companies employing hundreds of workers are required to be in place mostly within the country. Each will invest its money to mine these materials from the ground, pay for labour (thereby create more employment and feed families). These companies require a network of transportation (road, railways and waterways) to move all these goods additionally employing more people prospering more families. On and on it goes. This X1000 dollars suddenly triggers thousands and millions of dollars in investment, create several jobs, and get more skills trained.

Downstream, these employees must eat, live in a house, and wear clothes; so companies and farms to provide these goods and services are established. For example farms release cassava which is converted not just to garri but industrial starch. Palm oil refined, cocoa to chocolate, shea butter to beauty products and so on. That steel plant, a foundry, machine tools or Aluminium plant, all form the basis to build the machines to carry out these other activities. By now this X000 dollars has now triggered a huge multiplier effect and suddenly hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of primary production are added to the Gross National Product (GNP) of our country. Imagine this activity recreating itself in thousands of locations on different scales and sizes within the national borders of Nigeria. This is how production nations get rich.

However, when a consumption country like Nigeria decides to its spend its meagre oil money in another country, the activities we just described and the flow of money as well as the employment created all go to the country from where we are importing designer clothes, private jets, cars, toothpick, fish, jam, starch and so on. That country gets rich and Nigeria becomes poor. When oil prices fall as happened recently, our shame was multiplied. People lose jobs and families cannot feed. This is why we call production nations advanced and rich; and why consumption countries like Nigeria, despite oil remains poor and backward.

The industrialized nations export what they manufacture after buying commodity like the iron ore above from Nigeria, Liberia or Angola for example. No matter how much crude petroleum oil, bauxite (for making aluminium) or iron ore a country exports to the production country, the latter will gradually become wealthy and the commodity-exporter will forever be underdeveloped and manufacture product-importing. Commodities and minerals have a lifespan; they get exhausted!! The reason a producer multiplies wealth is as follows: one ton of bauxite is about US$50-60. When converted to aluminium, this product sells for US$138,000 (1 Kilogram is $138)!!! One ton of iron ore is about $50-65 but once converted to steel, a ton of wire steel is US$790.

Production nations have become very rich by selling manufactured goods like cars, steel, computers, and smart phones to ignorant but boastful people like us, Nigerians. Nigerians know (I think some folks memorize these names) the latest brand of cars, watches, phones but we have no clue how these are made and the implication of our profligacy is that the army of poor people among us swells by the day. This is why we are at the mercy of oil price volatility. This is why imbalance in trade expands the inequality gap between these rich countries and our poor country. These wealthy countries understand the secrets of wealth creation; they sell us products to be consumed, because we do not care for tools to produce them by ourselves.

This is why we destroyed Ajaokuta Steel, Delta Steel, Aluminium Company of Nigeria without as much as a thought. I recall as a young engineer when our board members visit for “board meeting” in Ajaokuta in the 1980s, once they leave, they take away the vehicles made available for their temporary stay never to be returned, the company was always broke each time they visited!!! In our ignorance we have helped perpetuate the monopolization of the tools of production in other countries while our appetite for consumption got out of control. We are reaping the whirlwind of corruption sowed decades back. Our children will reap the evil wind of the current mindless consumption economy unless we change course now.

Today the countries with which we started the race for development have left us far behind; by my estimate we are now 30-40 years behind South Korea and China and falling behind the recently war-torn countries of Asia like Vietnam. Today some companies started about the same time as ASC like POSCO of South Korea produces over 35 million tons of steel per year; Tata of India, 23 million tons, ArcelorMittal SA has become the largest producing over 98 million tons per year. Nigeria produces ZERO because we have no primary steel producer. China is now second to the USA in global wealth (GDP) because it turned itself into the “factory of world”; China produces 50% of global steel.

Myriad sectors in Nigeria have gone into decline due to company re-location to other countries like Ghana. Cases of industrial closures have become common in Nigeria; according to MAN, over 800 manufacturing companies shut down their operations in Nigeria between 2000 and 2008. Most of the firms relocated to Ghana largely because of constant power outages and excessive taxation. The likes of Cadbury, Unilever, Dunlop, Michelin, Booth Pharmaceuticals and many other pharmaceutical companies left the country over the last decade. The abnormal becomes normal and we just shrug.

The history of our missed opportunities reads like a horror story and is depressingly sad. The investments that collapsed (steel, aluminium, paper plants, and so on) were of strategic importance to the Nigerian economy and were expected to provide the foundation of several spin-off enterprises providing widespread employment. The fertilizer companies were expected to contribute to increased agricultural productivity and supply of food. The machine tools company was expected to service the informal sector as well as the large and small-scale industries whose contributions to the economy were enormous while the paper mill was expected to facilitate literacy in the country. There are many more examples of large technological projects that failed in Nigeria. Clearly, the failure of these strategic projects contributed significantly to the poor state of the Nigeria’s jobless growth today.

But we can make the choice to change our ways. I believe in the Nigerian spirit. Can we give ourselves just 10 years of redemption season, and total dedication to excellence in order to rebuild our ruined industrial landscape?